Adrian Lien
Adrian Lien and her husband, Brandon, are currently ministering to the recovery community in Springfield, Missouri, through leading weekly worship services specifically designed for the unchurched and de-churched. Brandon is passionate about developing leaders and creating spaces for them to use their unique, God-given gifts.
Alan Cristales
Alan Cristales, "with a heart for serving … the least of these,” has been involved in the non-profit charitable sector in Toronto since 2006 serving vulnerable and marginalized communities. In 2022, along with his wife, they embarked on the journey of planting a bilingual church plant in Rexdale – a community that is deemed to be high-risk and underserved in Toronto’s west-end. In 2024, Rev. Alan was assigned to the role of Executive Director for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Canada.
Alessandro Polonio
Alessandro Polonio is the Regional Director for South America.
Anderson McGee
Anderson and Sarah McGee serve as Co-Pastors at Loved to Love Church of the Nazarene and Co-Executive Directors of Loved to Love Outreach. For over a decade, they have faithfully ministered to the LGBTQ+ community in the urban heart of Kansas City. Their ministry has been deeply focused on building bridges, offering support to ministers and families of LGBTQ+ individuals, and creating pathways for churches and families to extend love and the life changing message of the Gospel in a way that resonates with a community that has often felt alienated from the church.
Angel Sigui
Angel Sigui lives in Quito, Ecuador, and currently serves as Nazarene Missions Teams coordinator for the South America region. He worked in different departments at the Global Ministry Center for over ten years. Before moving to the field, Angel worked at Global Communications as a translator. He has served as an interpreter in the Church of the Nazarene for Global Theology conferences, General Assemblies, General Board meetings, and several short-term mission trips. He also loves connecting people to God's mission through short-term mission trips or language learning.
Beth Bidle-Rush
Beth Bidle-Rush is an ordained Nazarene Elder who has served in various ministerial roles and district positions for three decades, ministering with Children, their families, and Senior Adults. Currently, Beth serves with Equip to Engage, offering leadership development for Ministry Leaders who desire to reach the next generation.
Beth Nelson
Beth Nelson grew up in a small town, left for college and at the same time, left the church, too. Told her parents she would never go to church again unless it was a wedding or a funeral. In 2007, she was invited by a friend to Prairie Heights Church in Fargo for the first time where she is now the Lead Pastor (2020). Beth has earned degrees in Organizational Communication, Counselor Education and Ministry Leadership, with ordination in 2019. Beth lives in Fargo with her husband, Kyle and their two kids, Ian (9 years old) and Isabelle (5 years old).
Bill Kirkemo
Bill Kirkemo is a Resource Associate with Jesus Film Harvest Partners where he develops Discipleship Materials for new Christians around the world. Previously he has served three Nazarene churches for over 20 years. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Asbury Seminary in Preaching and Church Leadership.
Bill Woolsey
Bill Woolsey, with decades of experience in starting and leading ministries, churches and networks, now invests his life in men and women who want to reach people for Jesus in new, creative ways. After serving congregations in the Midwest, he and his family planted CrossPoint Community Church in Houston, a congregation that led his denomination (LCMS) in baptisms for much of the 2000s. In 2009 he led the launch of FiveTwo, a network that helps men and women grow their God-given dreams into ministries and businesses that last. Bill authored “Seven Steps to Start,” a practical ‘how-to-start’ book written from a front-row seat of over 30 years of outreach experience.
Billy Huddleston
Billy Huddleston has been an evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene longer than it would take to put Pluto back into the solar system. He delivers a fast-paced, dynamic message that's hard to walk away from. He packs humor and depth, saturated in Scripture in all his revivals. His passion for evangelism in the church is precisely what we need right now.
Bob Mahaffey
Bob Mahaffey is currently the District Superintendent for the Southwestern Ohio District.
Brad M. Griffin
Brad M. Griffin is the Senior Director of Content & Research for the Fuller Youth Institute, where he develops research-based resources for ministry leaders & families. A speaker, writer, and Nazarene pastor, Brad is the coauthor of over fifteen books, including Faith Beyond Youth Group, 3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager & 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future, Growing Young, and Sticky Faith. Brad and his wife, Missy, live in Southern California and share life with their three teenage and young adult kids.
Brad Norman
Brad Norman began his journey at Westside began in 2001 when he and his family began attending. After owning and operating a successful business for many years Brad answered the call to ministry and began a pastoral residence program under Westside’s leadership. In 2015 Brad become the Speedway Campus Pastor and is currently serving as the Next Steps and Care Pastor. Brad’s passion is to help people find the “fully alive life in Christ” John 10:10. Brad leads an amazing Next Steps team whose shared passion is for everyone to take a next step in identifying and optimizing their calling in life and engage in biblical community.
Brad Thompson
Brad Thompson has been the Lead Pastor at Be Hope Nazarene Church in Beavercreek, Ohio for 3 years. Be Hope is a multi-campus church and their mission is to be someone's first church.
Brandon Lien
Brandon Lien and his wife, Adrian, are currently ministering to the recovery community in Springfield, Missouri, through leading weekly worship services specifically designed for the unchurched and de-churched. Brandon is passionate about developing leaders and creating spaces for them to use their unique, God-given gifts.